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Investment Chart


IT spending is constantly growing worldwide, the main driver for that are software costs increasing year-to-year by nearly 10%. We in Smart Cost strongly believe that controlling and optimizing your software costs is now a must-have skill to run a sustainable IT department. We will provide you guidance through a roadmap to become cost effective.

Our specialization is to reduce software costs by applying best practices in four key areas – software portfolio standardization, infrastructure and license optimization, controlled usage and re-harvesting, and supplier negotiation. We can identify quick wins to decrease software costs in less than 12 months as well as build strategy for long-term cost reduction. We will help you to gain clarity of current software spend and predictability through software budget (both CapEx and OpEx) as this is the foundation for cost optimization.


An effective ITAM Program is essential for your success. We will help you to review your current situation by assessing your ITAM maturity level using our standardized methodology, identify strengths and weaknesses, and propose areas to focus. You can also let us design tailor-made ITAM Program suitable for your company – objectives, success criteria, policy and processes documentation, roles and responsibilities as well as your tools’ capabilities. It is our specialization to provide end-to-end service by successful ITAM implementation in your environment through achievable and realistic projects.

Book of Laws


Understanding your license position is essential prior to license contract renewal. We can support you through self-audit to collect and review your license entitlements, reconciliate licenses with usage gathered by a discovery tool and identify possibilities to reduce software costs and achieve compliance.

Software audits are typical way to increase revenue for software vendors. We will build a response plan based on 10-year experience with audits, protect your data and provide only must-have according to license agreement, challenge auditor’s findings and negotiate favorable conditions to remediate any gaps.


“Are you in control of cloud costs and risks?” – if yes, you are probably the only one. By outsourcing your infrastructure or applications into cloud (IaaS, PaaS or SaaS) will make life easier for your IT department, but it is not true from the perspective of your costs and risks.

Inability to scale-down, inability to transfer your rights during divestiture or sudden pricing changes after term of the contract are just some of typical scenarios we can see. Business needs are quickly changing and cloud contracts may be more rigid than your on-premise infrastructure. Through our Cloud Shape Services, we will review your Cloud and SaaS contracts and propose changes to increase your flexibility while minimizing risks. We can also help you to identify your current usage to immediately cut your over-license spending on SaaS.

Urban Clouds
Making Notes


Resources required for effective IT Asset Management are getting harder to find, while business needs are dynamically changing and market trends don’t make it any easier (shifting to IaaS, PaaS or SaaS). Let SmartCost Consulting take care of your ITAM operations, we can perform day-to-day tasks, while you can fully focus on other business-critical activities.

We will start by guiding you through processes to enable ITAM Outsourcing – to specify scope (ranging from specified software publishers to your entire license portfolio), targets and balance responsibilities. You can choose from three ready-made models (Basic, Advanced or Complete ITAM) or we can develop tailor-made procedures to gather data from you and provide back desired outputs. We will regularly review the service to tune-up for maximum effectivity. Enjoy your full comfort to have best-in-class services with minimum effort.

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